While browsing the internet, I discovered this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUKA8jQQlkk The video briefly explains that the cause of the civil war was due to the fact that the Union wanted the new western states to be free states while the southern states wanted the new western states to be slave states. When Abraham Lincoln was elected president 7 southern states seceded from the Union because they knew Lincoln opposed slavery and wanted to abolish slavery. The video discussed the economy of the north and south for a couple of seconds but does not discuss the implications of its differences. For instance, reading the documents for the DBQ I just wrote, I discovered that the north was making a lot more money from its manufactured goods than the south was, as well as that the north relied on southern goods for the goods it was manufacturing. This explained why the Union found it so important for the southern states to stay intact within the United States of America. ...