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Showing posts from March, 2020

Post 3/8/20

While browsing the internet, I discovered this video The video briefly explains that the cause of the civil war was due to the fact that the Union wanted the new western states to be free states while the southern states wanted the new western states to be slave states. When Abraham Lincoln was elected president 7 southern states seceded from the Union because they knew Lincoln opposed slavery and wanted to abolish slavery. The video discussed the economy of the north and south for a couple of seconds but does not discuss the implications of its differences. For instance, reading the documents for the DBQ I just wrote, I discovered that the north was making a lot more money from its manufactured goods than the south was, as well as that the north relied on southern goods for the goods it was manufacturing. This explained why the Union found it so important for the southern states to stay intact within the United States of America. ...

Post 3/1/20

How is the Mexican War for Independence similar and different to the American Civil war? To start, both wars involved politics around social classes. In Mexico it was the Las Castas social hierarchical system and in America it was the slave system. Both Mexico and the United States used the slave trade. In the Mexican War for Independence, those of the lower class were not only fighting to be away from French rule, but to gain more rights for themselves. The Las Castas system forced people born under circumstances to have a glass ceiling on the jobs in the work force they were allowed to apply. Mixed race people would be considered middle to low class workers and peasants. The United States obviously enforced slave laws for their slaves. This is about as far as the similarities go between these two wars as far as the hierarchy. However, in both wars, a unit body threatened secession from the main governing force. In the Mexican War for independence, it was the colony of New Spain (...