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Post 3/1/20

How is the Mexican War for Independence similar and different to the American Civil war?

To start, both wars involved politics around social classes. In Mexico it was the Las Castas social hierarchical system and in America it was the slave system. Both Mexico and the United States used the slave trade. In the Mexican War for Independence, those of the lower class were not only fighting to be away from French rule, but to gain more rights for themselves. The Las Castas system forced people born under circumstances to have a glass ceiling on the jobs in the work force they were allowed to apply. Mixed race people would be considered middle to low class workers and peasants. The United States obviously enforced slave laws for their slaves. This is about as far as the similarities go between these two wars as far as the hierarchy.

However, in both wars, a unit body threatened secession from the main governing force. In the Mexican War for independence, it was the colony of New Spain (Mexico), and in the States, it was seven southern states. These groups fought for independence from their government to create their own country. The rebels of New Spain succeeded in gaining independence, while the Confederate States of America did not.

The Rebels of mexico fought for Independence because King Napoleon Bonaparte of France took over Spain which was the mother country of Mexico. Some people saw it as an opportunity to create their own independent country for good while others just wanted to leave until King Ferdinand had control of Spain again.

The American Confederates fought because president Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in all of his United States and the southern slave states required slaves to keep their economy afloat. The American Civil war started as a result of President Lincoln being unable to accept the secession of the confederate states as he believed the states were stronger if they worked together. (Most of the information of this paragraph came from )

These are some of the similarities and differences between the Mexican War for Independence and the American civil war.

this is a painting of the Mexican War for Independence
Image result for mexican war for independence

this is a painting of the american civil war
Image result for us civil war


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